The best laid plans

By Mir
May 22, 2009

There will be a gaggle of children arriving at my house, shortly, to partake in what is supposed to be a swim and tie-dye extravaganza, to celebrate the end of the school year.

We ran out this morning for latex gloves and rubber bands. Sure, some people get cheetos and pretzels for such a thing, but we’re all fancy and… ummm… rubbery.

Of course now the sky is dark and rain is imminent. Would it be wrong of me to lock them all out of the house, as planned, anyway? I mean, they’ll have the gloves. Their hands will be dry.

Oh, I’m just kidding. Probably.


  1. liz

    Rubber doesn’t conduct electricity, does it? So their hands won’t get hit by lightening AND they’ll be dry.

  2. Kath

    They have small heads don’t they? Kids, I mean. They could make rooster rain hats from the gloves … and flipper boots too… I think they’ll be fine!
    Have lots of fun at the party.

  3. Tracy

    Schools out for summer…….great! I hope ya’ll stay dry long enough for the shirts to dry so they don’t come out black-blueberry color. Enjoy the weekend!

  4. hokgardner

    As long as it’s not thundering, they can swim in the rain! That would be my plan.

  5. Flea

    As long as there’s no lightning … do it!

  6. Jamie AZ

    We did tie-dye shirts for my son’s birthday party. Everyone loved them. We also cut neck and arm holes out of garbage bags for each kid to wear while doing the dyeing. Hope the rain is fast and the kids get to enjoy the afternoon.

  7. dad

    Ah, festiviies and rain. The kids will have as much fun as we had picking strawberries.

  8. Anna Marie

    Good luck! Have a great weekend.

  9. MomCat

    If it’s warm enough, it won’t matter. They can’t get any wetter! As long as it isn’t thundering, I say lock away.

  10. Mama Bear

    Garage… that’s where we end up for outdoor parties involving children and crafts. Here though, it’s usually 40 mph winds that drive us in there.

  11. Aimee

    I agree with Mama Bear. If you’ve got a garage put ’em there. Or do you have a basement? Either way, best of luck and may the force be with you.

  12. Debra

    Swimming in the rain is the absolute BEST.

  13. Cele

    Oh mi gosh tie dye and kids, pictures hopefully are coming.

  14. Katie in MA

    Oh, just lock them out. Put them in the garage if you *must.* But really, I think rain just means you need some extra mimosas. (For you, not them!)

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