Yep, that was better

By Mir
March 18, 2009

So I went back to my new chiropractor, Paul Bunyan, today. I willed myself not to laugh. I coached myself through the entire morning, then the drive over there, and while I was on the table. “Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh,” I chanted, silently. Just relax! Breathe! NO LAUGHING!

I didn’t bray hysterically, this time. I was really proud of myself, in fact. I set my mind on not acting like a dork and for once, it actually worked. And my neck is feeling better and better. I stood up afterward, thanked Dr. Paul, went out and made my next appointment, said goodbye to all involved, and then went on out to my car.

I did all of the usual things; put the key in the ignition, turned, buckled my seatbelt, checked the mirrors, put the car into reverse. And then I put the car back in park, unbuckled, and went back inside.

To get my glasses.

Which I had somehow not noticed I wasn’t wearing, when I left.

First the laughing, now this. You can’t tell me those people aren’t making fun of me after I leave.


  1. exile on mom street

    They’re not laughing At you, pretty Mir, they’re laughing NEAR you.

    It’s totally different.

  2. Lylah

    The adjustment changed your vision! Whoa…

  3. Anna Marie

    Mir, is his name REALLY Paul Bunyan?

  4. susie

    I admit to feeling extremely giddy after my visits to the chiro as well. Something intoxicating about relief from pain, I guess.

  5. sheila

    Ahhhhaaa hhhaaa! That’s pretty funny! But glad you like your new doc!

  6. mamalang

    My co-worker’s son is a chiropractor (who kind of looks like Ty Pennington). I have to share your story, as it had me laughing really loudly at work.

  7. MomCat

    Thank your lucky stars you aren’t blonde. You’d never live it down.

  8. wafelenbak

    I laughed during a massage once and cried during another. The crying was awful, I was SOBBING and the massage therapist had to stop while I collected myself. People have funny reactions to the release of tension–I’m sure you’re not the oddest duck they’ve ever encountered. ;)

  9. Keyona

    Good lord, first the giggling, now your forgetting stuff. What has this back man done to you? :o)

  10. bec 39

    Chiropractic is based in medicine, but it’s also sort of like magic. For example, when I’m having regular adjustments, I don’t get sick. Your whole laughing thing doesn’t surprise me one bit. And reading about it made me totally crack up. Sort of like when you see someone yawning….

  11. Tracy

    How funny! You must concentrate really, really hard next time to not laugh and to get ALL of your belongings, in hand, before you leave. Oh shucks, forget it, just laugh, it relieves alot more stress.

  12. Lulu

    Arm-waving generalization ahead:
    I’ve found that folks who work in chiropractic offices are far too earnest to laugh at a client. They might smile in a comisserating kind of way if you laugh at yourself though.

  13. dad

    Those people aren’t making fun of you.
    They vastly prefer laughers to screamers.

  14. Ruth

    Paul Bunyan sounds like a manly man. I agree that the release of emotions is not unusual when you’re getting a massage or chiropractic treatment. Just think of all the toxins that are released whether through laughing or through tears. A good recovery to you!

  15. megs

    They are laughing WITH you. Just know you brought a smile to a few people’s faces and gave them a laugh (or two)! :-)

  16. mama speak

    the adjustments changed your whole “outlook” on things… yeah, I couldn’t help myself.

    I’m super jealous of you right now. I had back surgery (microdisectomy) on Dec 30 and I’m in physical therapy now. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, now, but for a while I wasn’t so sure. Now, most of the discomfort/pain I have is in my hip and it feel like my muscles are pulling my hip forward on my right side (they probably are). I just want someone to “pop” my hip out and get those muscle to release. But I know, PT first and then when things are more “normal” I’ll include the chiro.

  17. Katie in MA

    Oh, just think of all the blog fodder you’re giving the receptionist! :) Oh, I kid. Just don’t ever take your kids with you…unless maybe you’re not too happy with them that day. Because they’re liable to be next. :)

  18. Aimee

    Well, they probably are. But that’s okay, because we’re all laughing here at Paul Bunyan the chiropracter and his friend the Adjuster, aka “Babe.”

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