And how was your weekend?

By Mir
November 2, 2008

Things have been terribly boring here. All we did this weekend was go trick-or-treating, drive down the road in a truck that was on fire, soothe our football sorrows with copious amounts of chicken wings, and drown half a dozen children who didn’t belong to us.


More tomorrow when I can (possibly) string together a cohesive thought.


  1. Jill

    Oh my.

  2. Kat

    At least you’re still able to type! :)

  3. Lmerie

    Yikes! Sounds like an interesting weekend that will be a great post to read! :)

  4. Half Assed Kitchen

    Am rubbing my hands together waiting for tomorrow’s post!

  5. Fiona

    Clearly time for a reboot. Get behind a big glass of red wine.

  6. dad

    Ho hum…Glad you had just a typical weekend.
    I’ll look forward to the “film at 11:00” tomorrow.

  7. ChristieNY

    Good gracious, looking forward to tomorrow’s post. Now go get some sleep!

  8. Carrie

    I can’t resist – Go Gators!!!! Sorry. I grew up a bulldog fan, but when we moved to Florida is was cheaper to go to UF since it is an in state school and you have to root for your school. My dad is still a die hard UGA fan, so he is sad this weekend as well. In all honesty, this is the one game every year, that it really doesn’t matter who wins in my family because someone will be very happy, and someone will be very angry.

  9. arduous

    hmmm … that doesn’t sound so good. hope you get some rest, tonight, mir.

  10. Karen

    you really know how to string us along, don’t you?

  11. Karen

    Okey, Dokey……will definately be checking in tomorrow.

  12. mimbles

    So, you had fun then? :)

  13. Randi

    But what about the dancing bears and half naked men?

  14. Burgh Baby

    Ahhh . . . the joys of Southern living!

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