All in the timing

So yesterday, I was working along and minding my own business when the phone rang.

It was school. Chickadee was in the nurse’s office, and did I want to come pick her up?

Because I am the meanest mother in the entire world, I asked if they had taken her temperature. They had not. So I offered to wait while they did.

She had a fever. I thanked the caller and asked her to let Chickadee know that I would be there in ten minutes.

Twenty minutes later we were back home and Chickadee crawled into bed and was asleep almost instantly. Poor thing.

Ten minutes after THAT, the phone rang.

It was Monkey. Seems that the new rack of braces he had JUST GOTTEN the day before? Broke.

Of course.

We had a brief discussion and he agreed that he could probably last the rest of the day, and we hung up.

I called Otto and asked him if he could take Monkey to the orthodontist after school. He said he could.

I called the orthodontist and asked them if they could see him after school. They said they could.

I checked on Chickadee, who was still in the same position she’d fallen asleep in.

When Monkey got home from school, it turned out that his class had had a Halloween party and he’d figured he could have a lollipop if he was “careful,” even though lollipops are on the orthodontist’s forbidden list. Now—to be fair—I have never quite understood the ban on lollipops as long as there’s no biting involved. Until now. It turns out that if you elect to just hold the lollipop between your teeth and gum, on the side there, so that you can TALK ENDLESSLY as some small boys are wont to do, the lollipop will pull the brackets on that side of your mouth CLEAN OFF YOUR TEETH.

So this one wasn’t the orthodontist’s fault, at least.

The evening was surprisingly uneventful, at least until I got an email from my local NBC affiliate wanting to know if I might be available for an interview tomorrow. Er, today, now. I think today would be a SWELL day for an interview, don’t you? I mean, I have a sick kid lolling on the couch; it’s Halloween and the other kid is jacked up on expectations and the sick kid is trying to convince me that the thermometer lies and she feels JUST FINE, good enough for trick-or-treating, really, and my house is a disaster. Awesome.

Hey, at least my husband offered to help out this morning, no problem. Too bad he spent the entire morning in line to vote, instead.

The crew will be here in about half an hour. I’m resisting the urge to go change my clothes. Again. Chickadee thinks this is great entertainment—chicken soup, endless television, and Mom putting on make-up and freaking out.

Happy Halloween!


  1. jennielynn

    Break a leg! But not the reporters. Happy Halloween!

    BTW, the chick magnet costume is adorable. Unfortunately, Big Red is sort of anti-clothing right now. I forsee a fun winter.

  2. Vicki

    You’ll make it. I’ve got faith that you’ll look wonderful and speak eloquently. Have fun with it, just don’t let Chickadee near the candy if she’s already not feeling well. Those technicolor vomits are hard on the carpet…

  3. Leandra

    If it makes you feel any better, what Chickie has is probably that fast acting bug that goes around and her fever probably will be gone soon. The bad news is that its usually followed by a hacking cough that hangs on for weeks.

    Be sure to hide your buckets of money before NBC gets there.

  4. steff

    I guess you got TRICKED instead of TREATED!

    I hope Chickie can have some motrin/tylenol to feel good for trick or treating, she has been waiting all year after all!

  5. StephLove

    Poor C, sick on Halloween. Similar story here (except NBC hasn’t shown up to interview me– I wonder why not.) My daughter has been sick for a week and missed, in addition to school and music class, our town’s Halloween parade and come-to-Circle Time-in-your-costume-at-the-library day. Difference is, she’s two and doesn’t know what she’s missing. I felt sorry for her, though. She seems to be on the mend so we might let her go ToTing tonight.

    Good luck with the interview!

  6. jules

    Now see I was going to suggest you set out your buckets of money…maybe in festive Halloween buckets.. sprinkle some candy corn around the base… That there would be fantastic.

  7. Lori

    There is something about holidays and vacations that bring out fevers! I hope everyone feels better soon.

    And you’ll be wonderful in the interview, don’t worry. I love the outfit, you look so pretty.

  8. exile on mom street

    I’m going right to the heart of the matter: when do we get to see you being pretty on TV?

  9. Susan

    I think Chickadee is just trying to get on tv. Seriously, hope she feels better soon. Good luck!

  10. el-e-e

    Hope that Chickie feels better. Poor pitiful! There is some STUFF going around here, too. Yick.

  11. Asianmommy

    Congrats! That’s so exciting. Hope Chickadee feels better soon.

  12. Flea

    What fun! Be pretty, Mir!

  13. Katie in MA

    It could be worse – YOU could have come down with it this morning! I have to agree with Jules. Wouldn’t it be great to get a few of those orange pumpkins that kids fill with candy, fill them with something, and lay $1 bills on top to make them *appear* like they were full of money. Then try not to laugh as the reporters stare at them sort-of-but-not-really discreetly. You are allowed to laugh when said reporters show up at your door for trick-or-treating.

  14. Mandee

    So, when will you be on? Is it WXIA?

    Sorry about the braces and sickly Chickie.

  15. Caroline in MA

    Hope Chickie feels better soon… good luck with the interview!

  16. Burgh Baby

    The good news is that when people see the interview, you’ll be able to tell them that you were dressed as a Stressed Out Haggard Mom for Halloween. That should totally cover for anything you might have missed in your rush to get ready.

  17. Dustin

    Watch out for Pez candy, too. Not that I speak from experience or anything.

  18. KD @ A Bit Squirrelly

    Braces suck. Tell him to hang in there. Oh and really don’t chew gum. I found out the hard way.

    Good luck on your interview!

  19. Jamie AZ

    Best of luck with everything today!!! Ugh on the braces breaking aaaagain. Frustrating.

  20. Joshilyn

    Maisy came home sick today too. She keeps throwing up every hour and then insisting that was the LAST of the “thrups” and she feels well enough to trick or treat.

    Good luck with your interview.


  21. Little Bird

    Gobstoppers. No gobstoppers for those with braces. And I DO speak from experience.
    Have fun with the interview! And I hope the sickly one feels good enough to get dressed up and have some fun!

  22. Mary Ann

    Enjoy the interview! Rock it! Don’t let them take footage of Chickadee throwing up!

  23. parodie

    Hope the interview went well! Happy Halloween, and get-well-soon to Chickadee.

  24. Hip Mom's Guide

    Hope it went well. Let us know if we can see it!

  25. Half Assed Kitchen

    But then, Chickadee throwing up a rainbow might make for good TV. Or at least for good YouTube.

  26. tj

    Were you blessed with pouring rain? We were! Yay, wet and cold trick-or-treaters!

  27. Kady

    Oh my. Best of luck!

  28. sheila

    Ah, wow, what a day for you! Sounds like you also live according to Murphy’s Law. lol. You know, I do the same thing though when the nurse calls me….did you take a temp? I just think it’s really weird how illnesses come upon kids so fast, you know? They go to school completely fine and a couple hrs later they’re sicker than a dog.

    Poor baby, hope she feels better soon! Pls do tell of your interview! Interesting! Is that for your blog?

  29. Vicki

    I just wanted to pop back on again to let you know that I started my first blog. Pop on by if you don’t mind and let me know what you think…

  30. lindsay

    Man, you should just have the orthodontist move in with you guys…Craziness I tell you.

  31. Karen

    Oh man……I getting a headache for you, just thinking about all that. Poor Chickadee. I hope she is feeing better.

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