Raising Yoda

By Mir
October 18, 2008

I am neglecting you, I know, because I am too busy basking in the wonder that is having two other adults in the household to keep the children entertained. All of my careful tidying up prior to our visitors’ arrival has been flung asunder in favor of taking out every last Lego and every single doll outfit, and frankly, I don’t care.

Everyone is having fun. Including me! Also, we are busy eating everything that isn’t nailed down. FOOD IS LOVE!

This morning, Monkey took my dad down to the pond for a while to “catch some fish.” This involves dipping butterfly nets into the water, trapping some minnows, transferring them to a bucket for a while, and later returning them all to the pond before they leave. Why this activity is endlessly fascinating, I’m not sure, but that’s okay.

When they came back, Dad informed me that Monkey had turned to him pondside to intone, “Become one with the fish,” as his best advice on catching them. (Dad reports that he tried.)


  1. Sharkey

    That is priceless.

  2. ImpostorMom

    haha, One with the fish you will become.

  3. Patricia

    If you are one with the fish, does this mean you are sushi?

  4. Heather

    Haha your boy is quite the character! Of course, that gives you plenty of blog fodder, so I am definitely not complaining ;)

  5. Barbara

    Wow! “Become on the fish.” Extremely intelligent boy…imagining another person’s perspective is very high-level-thinking.

    Enjoy reading about your happy weekend.

  6. Megan

    Now, I personally would have insisted on an immediate demonstration of one-with-fishingness. In fact I would possibly have produced something to capture said one-ing for posterity. Of course I’m the loving mother who, when its child yelled down from the cliff above this afternoon that it had just sat on a cactus replied with, “Darn! And I’m not up there with the camera!”

  7. Caroline in MA

    That boy of yours is very smart… And I’m sure will treasure the memories of hanging out at the pond with Grandpa.

  8. Flea

    Huh. Seems our boys are cut from the same cloth in more ways than one. Little Guy went fishing with dad and Oatmeal Head yesterday. Seems Little Guy was the only one who’s one with the fish, catching five to their collective zero.

  9. The Other Leanne

    One with the fish…very deep! ;)
    Hey, I got the Nielsen survey! (Please tell me that wasn’t some phishing scheme.)

  10. mama speak

    ummm, could you please get a demo from Mr. Monkey on said “oneing with fish” (yes that is totally a word!) I would very much like hear and possibly see (video please) the explanation. I’m an audio/visual person, I need my explanations to be more direct you see. ;) Plus, I mean can you say “blog fodder”?

  11. goteeman

    that is awesome! I love that my boys are close to all of their grandparents and get time with them… so special…

    J/ (goteeman.blogspot.com)

  12. Brigitte

    Gee, I turned my 3 yr. old daughter on to catching minnows in a butterfly net, then letting them go after a while. Does this mean we are not proper girls? ;-)

  13. Cele


  14. sheila

    Just found your site, read through all your Oct. posts. What a great site! lol.
    I don’t sign up to receive many via rss, but I like your blog.

  15. The FringeGirl

    Hi! It’s my first visit to your site, but I’m gonna stay a while and read, read, read. Cute advice from your son. He’s a thinker, huh?

  16. Aimee

    Monkey is very zen.

  17. Lori

    I’ll have to pass along that advice to my hubby. One can never have to much sage fishing advice…

  18. Katie in MA

    Ha! Who says television will rot your brain?!

  19. LiteralDan

    I can promise you that once you become one with the fish, as your very wise son has, you will understand the endless fascination.

    I spent some time doing this this very summer, ostensibly because it gave all the kids a big thrill, but they were just my cover.

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