Bobby pins and chewing gum

By Mir
July 13, 2008

Thanks to all who weighed in on how I should do my hair for the wedding. We all know it’s especially important for the wife of the groom’s big brother to look hot, right? All eyes were on me!

Oh, wait. No one noticed me at all (thank God). Also? You know you’re at the wedding of twenty-somethings when there are girls there in full-length ball gowns with their hair in ponytails. SERIOUSLY. (How… interesting… yes?)

Anyway, the wedding was simply lovely; the bride was gorgeous and the groom radiant and I had to physically restrain myself from pinching them both, they were so adorable. Also I may be in trouble with my OTHER brother-in-law for introducing my sister-in-law to Long Island Iced Teas (whoops). But, um, I think maybe that was someone else. I’m not sure. I made sure to leave before the dancing on the tables started.

For those of you who simply cannot sleep without knowing how I did done my hairs (ha!), I have to tell you that despite all of the very sweet “oh your hair is so pretty! leave it down!” comments, this was a wedding out on the Cape, in July. It was hot and it was windy, and I no sooner would’ve worn my hair down than I would’ve worn a fur stole. Fortunately, with enough determination (and bobby pins!) it is, in fact, possible to put up even my sort-of-short hair.

I stabbed at it for a while and then went to my sister-in-law with a couple of pretty flower clips I’d picked up and said “Help?” and she perched them in my hair and we hairsprayed the heck out of it and called it good. I think it worked.

Here it is from the side, and also from the back. (I hope that the cousin whose boob is in the first photo has not been told the location of my blog. Whoops! I just asked Otto to give me a picture of my hair! I didn’t know there was gratuitous cleavage! And no, the wedding was not at a pool, but we stopped at the hotel pool to round people up, some of whom had boobs. In bikinis. Shutting up, now.)

So the wedding was delightful and then we stayed down on the Cape last night and today we’re back in the Boston area with our nephews. The 5-year-old came into the kitchen this morning and noted our return, then grabbed my hand and said, “I need for you to come upstairs, because I have something to tell you.”

“Why can’t you tell me right here?” I asked, because I am SO STUPID.

“I just need for it to be upstairs, c’mon!” he replied, pulling on me. So I allowed myself to be brought upstairs to the room where we’re staying, and he said “See, in here, in here,” as he marched me to the far corner of the room where Otto had left a pile of stuff. He pointed with a big flourish at the pile, which was topped with a package of gum. “Do you see that, there?” he asked.


“That’s a pack of gum that is yours.” He said. “And did you know that gum is my VERY FAVORITE THING TO CHEW?”

I tried not to laugh, and also tried not to dip him in chocolate and swallow him whole. “Really? It’s your very favorite thing to chew?” I managed.

“Yes,” he said. “And I think that I would like a piece of it.”

So we had to negotiate that—after lunch, if Mommy says it’s okay—and eventually I was allowed to go back downstairs.

So all in all, a successful weekend, I think.


  1. GetSheila

    GORGEOUS hair!

  2. Cele

    Oh the hairs turned out very pretty.

    The newphew, adorable.

  3. RuthWells

    Very pretty hairs indeed. Zippin’ my lip ’bout the boob.

  4. Andrea

    Excellent hair. Adorable nephew. All in all, the weekend was a success!

  5. Trisha

    The hair turned out really cute! I likes the little curls near the neck and the flowers added just the right touch. I think the sunglasses added a certain something too!

  6. hollygee

    You look GOOD with your hair up (listen, you look good with your hair down, too — I’m not getting into that one). Lurvly.

  7. Em

    First of all, your hair looked awesome! So awesome, I didn’t even notice the boob.

    Second, I am not asking because truly, I am not a stalker and I know what is and isn’t my business but I want you to know that I am dying to know where you are considering I am also in the Boston area. I feel like finding an great sale at Kohls or the mall and just waiting with a Coolata to win you over with. Not really. I’m far too lazy for stalking. But I would like to sit here at my computer and be all “whee! Mir is like 10 miles from here!”

    Thirdly, I just realized how pathetic that is so I will hit submit anyway (because I’m honest with myself) and then go work on getting a life.

  8. Headless Mom

    The hair turned out perfect!!

    Nephews dipped in chocolate…sounds divine! Especially when they are that cute!

  9. catnip

    Very pretty! The flower clips make it just right for a wedding. Five year olds are so completely edible aren’t they? I have one and I look at him and just want to bite his button nose.

  10. Jen

    i’d love to dip my 5 yo nephew in chocolate & eat him up too — but alas, his parents have him tucked away in Munich, Germany, and i won’t see him for about another YEAR. *pout*

    your hair looked MAHVALOUS dahling :)

  11. Lisa

    Cute hair!!!

  12. daysgoby

    No pics of the ball gowns and pigtails? Wah!

    You looked mah-velous, dahling.

  13. daysgoby

    Damnit! I HAVE to stop reading the last few comments before I write my own!

    You looked good, Mir. I like the little jewel-y clips.

  14. All Adither

    Hair = So glossy. Me = Jealous. Nephew = Quirky and funny. Do you offer shipping on cute little boys?

  15. Erin

    Your hair looked GORGEOUS! Seriously!

    And nephew? SO CUTE.

  16. Asianmommy

    Your hair looked great! Now you know what to get your nephew for his birthday. :)

  17. Megan

    I missed my nephew when he was five and edible. He is now rather older and smellier and still very fine and valuable and lovely in all respects. Just not so much with chocolate really. V sad. However between the good hair and the beeeyewtiful green boob it sounds like a successful wedding indeed.

  18. elizabeth

    your hair looks totally awesome. (so completely taken by the wonderful up-do I totally missed the random boob and had to go back to see what you were talking about, oops.)
    and I love how you describe your nephew.

  19. MomCat

    The hair is so lovely that even my Dad would have looked at you. ;) (I envy curly girls’ lovely tendrils. I could spend eight hours worshipping a curling iron and never get that result.)

  20. kaye

    bbbbbbbbbeautiful hairs! best hairs at the wedding, i think!

  21. Honey Mommy

    I wish my hair would curl like that. I don’t really have curl, I just have a bit of a warped wave. Each time I have a baby it just seems to get kinkier… especially underneath.

    Ok… that didn’t sound right… um… Look! Something shiny!

  22. amy

    Really cute hair, totally cute nephew! I love that age…

  23. Karen

    Your hair is so cute in the picture that I didn’t notice the “boob” till you mentioned it and had to go back and find it. (How embarrassing is that to admit.)

  24. Flea

    Your hair is too cute! But not nearly as cute as your nephew. :D

    So are those freckles I see on your cheek?

  25. Carolyn

    You have a Jane Austen hairdo, it’s beautiful!!

  26. Sheila

    I think the nephew gets an extra piece of gum as a reward for not digging into it all on his own, as I would have done at age five.

    Also, I confess to seeing the random breast in the photo before even noticing the flower in your hair and thinking, “Wow… a halter top at a wedding– these kids today!”

  27. Andrea

    OMG – totally loving your hair up!

  28. Astrogirl426

    Truly lovely hair – you did a wonderful job. Very soft and romantic, perfect for a wedding.

    According to and determined I am MOSTly a 3b, with some 3a tendencies (see, even my hair is complicated! Lucky, lucky me), so I feel your pain about the frizz and hairstyles (oh, and girl, about the grey, too). I had to laugh when you made that comment about Otto loving it if you grew your hair out. I’ve had many, many lengths to my hair over the years (from short and spiky, like Nataly, to long long like it is now), and I’m forever trying to get Bunker Hubs to admit he likes it longer. He still won’t, but then HE’S NO OTTO (I’ve been dying to slip that into a comment for WEEKS now!).

  29. Aimee

    Pretty hair! And OMG, do I ever hear you about not wanting curly hair to be worn down on Cape Cod in summer. Been there, done that, frizzed out. Blech.

  30. Holly

    I didn’t even notice the book your hair looked so beautiful! also? ADORABLE nephew.

  31. jennielynn

    Your hair was gorgeous! I didn’t know about the heat and the Cape…you said it was cold!

    And the nephew? Oh my lord, how adorable is he?

  32. Burgh Baby

    Dude. The hair kicked ass! I didn’t even notice the boob until you pointed it out. That means your hair looked so good it couldn’t even be upstaged by a boob. That’s something!

  33. Mother of Two

    Love the hair!

  34. Desiree

    I love that style – very pretty! And count me as one of those people who didn’t notice a boobie until you said it was there.

  35. Genevieve

    Mir! So extra extra pretty! I will make a note of it as my hair is much like yours only a bit longer and a little bit layered.

  36. heels

    So pretty! Not that that’s a shock or anything.

  37. Dawn

    Oh, that hairstyle SO worked. See, that’s why curls are so cool. If I did my hair like that? Uber-librarian.

  38. wafelenbak

    The ‘do is so very pretty. I hope I can figure out how to make that happen when I have my own wedding some day, since I have chin-length curly hair that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to “fancy up”!!

  39. carrien

    I agree with all the people who voted for you to grow it longer. I bet it will be very pretty.

    And pretty is good. really.

  40. JaneB

    Really nice hair, well worth the stabbing and fiddling

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