It followed us home

By Mir
January 2, 2008

After 15 hours in the car today (totally uneventful, really, other than the MIND NUMBING BORINGNESS and the fact that I got all loopy on diet coke and started misreading signs all over the place, including INSISTING that there had been a billboard advertising SEXY WAFFLES), I actually cheered with glee when we pulled into the driveway here at home. Then I opened up the car door and said, “ACK! It’s COLD!”

It’s 24 degrees here in Georgia. The water on our pool cover is FROZEN.

Nevertheless, I am looking forward to a night in my own giant bed (having a king bed is lovely except that it completely ruins you for sleeping on anything else) and the temperature is supposed to be back up to the 60s here in a few days. Soon, the snowbank I stepped in early this morning in New York (which filled my shoe with snow and caused me to spew obscenities before the sun was even up) will be a distant memory.


  1. Nic

    You know, I could really go for some SEXY WAFFLES right about now. Perhaps covered in ATTRACTIVE SYRUP. With a side of “GREAT PERSONALITY” HASH BROWNS.

    Hmmm. All I seem to have in the kitchen is “I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS” CORNFLAKES.


  2. All Adither

    15 hours in the car with kids? I’m assuming you had a very charged up DVD player and some kick ass movies.

  3. Flea

    I take it you’re feeling better? Are you sure it was the diet coke talking? I hear you about the bed – ours is a king and the hotel at Christmas was a double. Glad you’re home. :)

  4. Cele

    When we were children we’d travel cross country for trips from California to Ohio and West Virginia. Three days non-stop in a van with six people and a dog. Today you have to be strapped in, can’t move around, can’t sleep comfortably. I’m all for the train…except it is too darn expensive.

    Glad you’re home, I heard your medals for Sainthood have been mailed.

  5. LuAnn

    We’re having a cold snap here too.

  6. dad

    It was great seeing you. Glad you’re home safely.
    I’ll assume Otto was behind the wheel the entire trip. In addition to his Sainthood medal he also deserves the Distinguished Driving Cross and the Route de Guerre.

  7. dad

    By the way, it the current temperature here is 2 below zero F with a windchill of minus 14.
    You may have been run out of town just in time.

  8. elizabeth

    welcome home!
    I agree after a while on the road it is hard to distinguish between the adult store and the home cooked waffle signs – diet coke or not.

  9. Leandra

    Welcome home! You brought the cold weather with you, though, didn’t you! At least you didn’t bring the snow.

  10. Megan

    Schadenfreude. It was 20 degrees here yesterday (10 with the windchill) and after boasting about how I LOVE the cold for years I broke down and whined like a wuss. So feeling sympathy, yes, but also a small amount of “well at least it’s cold in GEORGIA” as well.

  11. prophet

    I agree with Megan. If the rest of us have to be cold [and we are] somehow it helps to know that Mir is [momentarily] cold in Georgia, as well. Wierd, how that works. . . .

    Welcome home! and cuddle up.

  12. Therese

    I totally relate to the king bed thing. When hubby and I last stayed in a motel, all they had were double beds. I took one look at one and asked where he was supposed to sleep???

  13. littlepurplecow

    It IS a little chilly here! Though a small dose of snow would make the kids believe that it’s actually winter. Happy New Year, Mir!

  14. Burgh Baby's Mom

    The only thing worse than ice on the pool is 15 hours in the car with two kids. Holy hell do you deserve a giant pile of Christmas cookies right about now!

  15. daysgoby

    I thought it was the bacon that was SEXY. Waffles are kind of meh.

    I’ll bet your Dad misses you already!

  16. Chuck

    It got below freezing here last night. When I went out this morning it was still under 40. And my blood has definitely thinned from my time in Wisconsin since I put on a heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat. In Wisconsin, above freezing, I would have been like ah, it’s WARM here! I so don’t miss living there.

  17. jennielynn

    There is NOTHING better than being at home.

    And, Lordy! Nic’s comment made me spew tea. Too funny!

  18. Katherine

    We’re here in GA too, going BRRR. But my kids insist you should have brought the snow with you too. They are seriously snow-deprived.

  19. amy

    Welcome Home!! Aw… come on… snow is GREAT! Yes, yes it IS!!

    *cry* no it isn’t…

  20. MomCat

    I would definitely stop for ‘sexy waffles,’ especially in the cold. Somehow that phrase works, whereas ‘sexy pancakes’ doesn’t. Now ‘sexy crepes’ sounds do-able! Hmmm…..’sexy aebleskiver’…..Nah!!!

    Don’t mind me, I’m tangentially in the ad biz.

  21. kidzmama

    Glad you made it home safe. I’m sure Monkey and Chickadee are enjoying their beds as well. It’s sounds like your trip was worth the fifteen hour drive. Happy New Year!

  22. Amy-Go

    We spent the whole day in the car, too! Now I need a vacation to recover from my vacation…

  23. DAisy

    It almost (almost) makes me have cabin fever. But no, I’m happy staying home and watching the snowdrifts blow in the below-zero wind chill. I’ll sit back and envy you your frozen pool.

  24. pam

    I know in my travels down I75 I Definitely saw the Sexy Waffles sign!!!

  25. David

    You know what makes waffles sexy? Especially in cold weather? BACON! Mmmmm! (big ol’ grin)

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