
By Mir
December 31, 2007

We are in upstate New York, and after passing a lovely evening with friends we retired for the night. When I got up this morning and peeked outside, everything was covered with a horrible, fluffy white substance. Somewhere in the back of my mind there is a vague sense of recognizing what it is, but I believe I am repressing the memory because it’s so painful.

This morning was the first time I said the phrase “home to Georgia;” as in, “I cannot wait to get home to Georgia where PIECES OF ICE DO NOT FALL FROM THE SKY.”


  1. Hazel

    You certainly chose the wrong place to go if you’re not liking the white stuff. I hope you don’t have any trouble getting home. And don’t look at the weather radar. It will freak you out.

  2. dad

    The good news: It supposed to stop snowing sometimes Wednesday night.

    The bad news: The predicted high temperature on Thursday is 10 F.

    The other good news: With weather like this , we don’t have to worry about mosquitoes.
    Welcome to the Finger Lakes.

  3. carolyn

    As I type this, I am looking out the window at beautiful blue sky. Everything is wet, because it has been raining for 3 days, but I expect it will dry up and turn into a wonderful New Year’s Eve day. It is supposed to be 65 this afternoon. Happy New Year!

  4. pam

    In testament to your hilariosity (word), I can’t wait for you to get home from vacation so your posts are longer again! Enjoy the snow, you’ll be back in the warmth of georgia’s bosom in no time.

  5. LuAnn

    You can send enough snow to Kentucky to put a couple inches down on the grassy areas…but not enough to lay any on the roads, sidewalks or other paved areas. :p

  6. Jean

    C’mon, it wasn’t pieces of ice — it was lovely fluffy white snow here in the capital region of NYS….and only about a foot fell here!

    I see by your Dad’s comment that you’re in or near my other neck of the woods(Finger Lakes). Hope you make it south without any difficulty. Come visit in the summer when the lakes are lovely…I’ll take y’all out in my boat. In the meantime, hunker down with some hot chocolate!!

    Safe travel and Happy New Year to you all!

  7. Denise

    You do know that according to Murphy, 2008 will be the year of the monster snow/ice storm that shuts down most of north GA for a week! I’ve spent a good deal of my Christmas break catching up by reading your archives on my NEW LAPTOP–I was a very good girl this year. Love your blog and a belated welcome south sister–Happy New Year.

  8. Ree

    We’re supposed to get 10 inches tonight. And not the good kind of 10 inches either. Suck-A$$ snow.

  9. All Adither

    Oh, c’mon. It’s still December. It’s magical. In January, it may not be so magical.

  10. Aimee

    Brrrrr! I know what you’re talking about. I’m so unaccustomed to cold now that I live in So Cal. I can’t like the ice falling from the sky.

    Happy New Year!

  11. daysgoby

    Oh, my Dad lives in the Finger Lakes! (C’dagua)
    It’s a lvoely small town that ICE DOES NOT IMPROVE.

    (Today’s weather up heah: It snowed last night! And now it’s raining! So the lawn will be bare again tonight!)


  12. Karen

    You crack me up. I absolutely could not live without snow in the winter. There is something magical about it. I did some time in the south and it wasn’t for me. I got totally depressed in the winter – like reverse seasonal depression or something.

    Happy New Year and a safe return home to GA.

  13. MoMMY

    I’m totally not a stalker but when I hear your in Upstate NY it makes me wonder how close you are. Sorry about that. I’ve been reading you for years so it has that weird feeling like I know you but I don’t. And I’m guessing every stalker says they’re not a stalker. Good thing I have tons to do today. You can feel safe until you return to Georgia.

  14. MoMMY

    You can feel safe IN Georgia too. Gah! I make no sense at all.

  15. The Other Leanne

    AHA! There it is! “Home to Georgia…” There was a time when you were homesick and lost in your new town and feeling miserable because it did not feel like home, and I commented that someday you would back from a vacation and say “it’s good to be home.”
    Ice falling from the sky helps the process along.
    Happy New Year Mir and Otto.

  16. Kris

    ::pfftt:: Sissy! It’s not even cold!

    Ok, ok. I forget that Georgia shuts down entirely for 1″ of snow. We’re used to it here. (Didja see the teenagers running around in cut off pants and sneakers?)

    Yeah, we’re crazy around here.

  17. Leanne

    Mir! I am in upstate NY! Wave while you drive by.

  18. Daisy

    Happy New Year, and welcome home. I’m looking out on a light sprinkling of snow and planning to celebrate New Year’s Eve at a hockey game. Ah, life in the frozen Northwoods.

  19. kidzmama

    You crack me up! “PIECES OF ICE DO NOT FALL FROM THE SKY” sounds so apocalyptic.

    Good luck on you travels. Stay safe and warm.

  20. chris

    Stop by and pick me up on the way, k?

  21. Anita

    Another upstate NYer here to defend our glorious snow. Everything looks so pristine and beautiful this morning. Like a fresh, clean New Year should look.

    Revel in the snow!!!

    (ok, I’ll admit that I’m going skiing for New Year’s Eve so perhaps I’m a bit biased on this topic)

  22. ImpostorMom

    It has been raining however for what seems like a week. We need it though so it’s hard to complain. At least the sun is out today finally.

  23. Lori

    Oh God, it’s official. You are completely Southern now. :)

  24. julie

    Another upstate NY-er chiming in to say “oh my God, I know, this weather seriously sucks!!!!” Ok, so I’m a recent transplant (and our other option was Atlanta, so you know I’m right here in my miserable horrible ugly awful snow wishing I was “heading home to Georgia” myself).

    Reasons snow sucks today:
    snow plow drove past at 2:50 am and woke me up
    driveway plow service spent 30 minutes slamming around in our driveway this morning at 3:50am, waking me up.
    City sidewalk snow dudes came through at 4:50, waking me up and tore up our lawn..again.
    (daughter woke me up at 1:50 because she was cold, dog at 5:50 just for kicks, alarm at 6:50…damn winter).

    As I growled at my husband this morning: no one wakes you up at all hours of the night to shovel heat.


  25. Maman

    Oh come on! If there isn’t the possibility of being beaned with giant pieces of ice, where is the adventure in life?

  26. Half-Past Kissin' Time

    I agree with Karen; I love the snow. I’d much rather see white than gray, and if it’s going to be cold, I’d prefer to have some beautiful snow to distract me from the temperature :) Have a safe trip home!

  27. Cele

    The thought of snow is appealing, so I sing about snow at Christmas….But wisely live where snow is a minor occurance every fourth year (if we’re lucky)

  28. Judy

    We’ll be glad when you “get back home to Georgia” :-) I’m glad we’ve grown on you. Y’all have a wonderful New Years and be safe on the way home, y’hear?

  29. The Other Dawn

    Of course pieces of ice do not fall from the sky in Georgia. Because IT ALL FALLS HERE. I have to shovel my driveway just to get the car out for the third day in a row… mumble, grumble, grrrr…

    Glad you’re enjoying your vacation. Happy New Year!

  30. Amy-Go

    OH, SISTER! I have been saying that phrase every day for four years. SIGH. Now I have to go shovel the driveway.

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