More love, even on Friday

By Mir
July 13, 2007

I wasn’t kidding when I said that Chickadee learned how to dive.

After three hours in the pool this afternoon, I think it’s safe to say that the children are plumb tuckered out. Me, I’m just proud of my little fishies, even if I am hearing a Ricky Martin-esque version of She Dives, She Dives in my head as a result.


  1. Divrchk

    Yeah! That is awesome. They must love having the pool. When I was a tween or teen, my parents put in a pool and I loved growing up with it in my backyard.

  2. Jenifer

    At least that song wasn’t followed by a version of “She Bangs, her head” so obviously she learned safely!!

  3. Tal

    As a former diving instructor, I have to say that’s pretty good form on a kiddo who just learned a couple of days ago. Good job teaching Mir!

  4. Fold My Laundry Please

    My parents had a pool when I was in high school. Mostly all I did was tempt skin cancer with my other girl friends, though! Actually getting in the pool was not cool except for the occassional game of water volleyball. And it was only 5 feet deep at most, so diving was definitely out!

  5. Sandee

    Not so little, that girl! The rug burns must have been wicked – you can still see them.

  6. Amy-Go

    Jack is my fish and he’s impressed. Way to go Chickie!

  7. Cele

    Very excellent. Do they have a dive team in the area? Because she’s a water dog.

  8. Anna

    Chickadee Rocks!!!

  9. LuAnn

    Kudos and congrats to Chickadee. I never did get comfortable with diving.

  10. carolyn

    I love that fearlessness in my kids. I don’t think I had it, or I don’t remember it. I hope my kids keep it as they grow up.

  11. Ladanea

    Hoorah for fishie kids! You make me want a pool. I’m not a swimmer and never imagined I would say such a thing.

  12. Randi

    Nice! Too bad there’s no point in having a pool in VT LOL.

  13. Karen

    I had to read the first line 3 times becuase I kept reading that Chickadee learned to DRIVE. I thought I was really out of the loop. And on that note I am off to do a few laps in the pool.

  14. Katie

    Love the pasty white New England skin on her still. Great job Mir and Otto!

  15. Barb Cooper

    I don’t know why I thought your pool was above ground. Maybe they just make them differently in GA? Because our pool looks just like this but there is no lining to get a hole in. (Sorry for the preposition at the end of the sentence there — I am a tad fried after our own little swim fest.) She looks great–I bet you are so proud!


  16. becky

    she looks so big – long & lean – in that pic! looks like she’ll be enjoying the rest of her summer for sure.

  17. StephLove

    So if we get a pool, will my six-year-old stop saying “What should I DO?” all day long? Just wondering.

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