Alla y’all ROCK

By Mir
June 22, 2006

As of five minutes ago, I have achieved my goal of raising $5,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

HUGE thank yous to everyone who was kind enough to donate. And YES, you can still donate. Also, my walk partner hasn’t yet reached her minimum, so feel free to email me for a link to HER page if you’d like to donate to her (which is really a donation for me, because I have an irrational fear about sharing a tent with a stranger).

I can’t put into words how moved I am by this experience ALREADY. I’m going to be an utter basket case on the walk itself.


  1. Missy

    Yay Mir! (and everyone who donated!)

  2. Aimee

    Yay, you!

  3. Ashley

    You are an inpiration…no, really.
    I have not donated to your walk because I have a friend here in Portland who is walking. When you think about quiting, curling up in the weeds at the side of the road, remember my family. My Grandma died of BC and my Mom is 10 year out from her initial diagnosis. I have three sisters, all of us are high risk. Is it any wonder that I breastfed for about a gazillion years?

    Thank you so much for walking for a cure!

  4. Lisa

    Wow!! That’s wonderful news. I’m incredibly moved that you were able to raise that much through the kindness of strangers! The world isn’t full of jerks afterall.

    Best of luck to you on the walk. I have a friend that did it and it was not only physically draining, emotionally she grew by leaps and bounds. She said it was the most amazing growth of her soul she’d ever experienced.

  5. Cele

    Mir you are inspiring.

  6. d

    Mir… did you get my email with my walk journal? Just checking…

  7. Bob

    WOOHOO!!!! Mir rocks! That is absolutely brilliant. With Mom’s recent breast cancer and my aunt’s death from breast cancer I feel as if you are making the walk for me as much as for them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  8. dad

    There’s a lot of kvelling going on around here!

  9. Jules


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