And yet, we survived

By Mir
April 25, 2006

Me: Oh, we could go have sushi tonight!
Grandpa: Good idea! We’ll do that.
Chickadee: Sushi! YAY!
Monkey: *flinging himself spread-eagled to the floor* THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

(It must have been his dish of green tea ice cream that staved off the apocalypse.)


  1. ben

    Please don’t think poorly of me, but I’m with Monkey on this one…

  2. Aimee

    Green tea ice cream is pretty powerful stuff.

  3. Nic

    Ice cream does seem to have magical powers doesn’t it?

  4. Cele

    I am willing to try many things – sushi is not one of them. I’m with Monkey and Ben on this one.

  5. Meg

    Ooooh, raw fish.

  6. shannon

    You know, it makes me happy to see so many kids out enjoying sushi. It truly is so good and good for you…

    I’m hoping I can convince my other half and his pal that sushi would make a great meal tonight!!! It’s been too long.

  7. holley

    See, what Monkey has, that the rest of us could learn from, is a very clear sense of perspective.

  8. Shiz


    Doesn’t Monkey like gyoza or tempura or edamame? Or NOODLES?


  9. Brenda

    I’m with Monkey on this, too. Having had to spend an hour in a mauve, black and puce airport restroom puking, after a trip to a very nice restaurant, has completely turned me off sushi.

    Frankly, it really isn’t that good for you, especially children. Yes, I’m going to be the Wicked B***h of the West on this. Food poisoning in adults is bad enough, but in children is much more likely to be deadly. And not cooking the fish is a near 100% guarantee of having parasites set up in your intestines, possibly for the rest of your life.

    Love green tea ice cream. The real stuff, with green tea on top of real vanilla ice cream. Nummy!!!

  10. Zuska

    MegaBoy LOVES japanese restaurants, and happily stuffs his face with nothing but plain rice (but ridiculously GOOD sushi-grade rice, and there really is a difference), and that cool Japanese soda that has the glass marble floating inside of it! Green tea ice cream would NEVER save the day for my guys, but I’m glad it helped Monkey!

  11. Sabrina

    So what does Green Tea Ice Cream tastes like?

  12. Aye Davanita

    Okay, since January of this year, I have read your blog from beginning to end…like a book. Well no, that’s not right. From beginning to current. After reading today’s entry, I realized that I’m all caught up now!
    Yay me! And thank YOU for the laughter. I am a (single)mother of 1 girl and 2 boys. Their personalties are like your Chickadee and Monkey, so you’ve really helped me to see that I am not alone in this.

  13. Susan

    Look at all these smart people, agreeing with Monkey! Bring on the grilled cheese. And ice cream, in whatever flavor is available.

  14. Brenda

    To Sabrina,

    Green tea ice cream was originally loose green tea topping vanilla ice cream. Now you can get green tea flavored ice cream.

    It’s basically the tangy flavor of green tea mixed with the rich sweetness of vanilla ice cream.

  15. mrsmogul

    I haven;t had green tea ice cream in eons!!! AND SUSHI! WHOA…Might have to give up vegetarianism for that again :)

  16. Niihaus

    Yes, this settles it, we could hang out and be all swoon’y. I love sushi and not one of my friends will even attempt to humor me.

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