Hey, it’s 6:11 AM. Guess why I’m up? No, really, go on! Guess!
Well, it snowed, so there’s a 2-hour school delay.
So, naturally, the children got up at 5:45 to watch television. FIVE. FREAKING. FORTY. FIVE.
Those of you who know what I’m up to today can stop laughing ANY TIME NOW.
NOT laughing (much)
Giggling a bit tho…
Laughing my freaking ASS off.
Welcome to my world…
Argh! My kids do the same thing! I had to wake them up at 8:20 (to be at school by 8:45) this morning and tomorrow I know they’ll be up before 7.
Good luck finishing everything up!
This is obviously your pre-job training, where you will practice managing to get up early enough to get yourself presentable enough for work, before you tackle getting the children ready for school. Isn’t time management grand?
I beg your pardon, no, I cannot stop laughing … and I don’t think I’ll be able to all day! xoxoxoxox
Oh nice. Another adventure to heighten your, “peel me off the ceiling” experience. Teeheehee.
I hope you get a nap and have a wonderful day!
Since they (and you) all got up so early, maybe you can all take a group nap in the afternoon. My kids and I used to do that; all of us napping on the big bed. I would read to them a little, and then we’d snuggle down under the banket, and USUALLY they would sleep for an hour or two. Sigh. Those were the days. And okay, yes, I might be laughing a little bit.
Oh, sorry, *wipes eyes*, what was I going to say? Oh, that’s right,
*pant, pant*
Were they good television shows? Cause then I can totally understand.
The joy of sleeping unfortunately doesn’t come for a few more years. Have a great day anyway!
Not laughing. No no. Definately NOT. *muffled choking gasps*
HeeHEEEE! I think they have radar, myself. I know mine do. Little, evil, kiddie-radar that wakes ’em up out of a dead sleep and tells them (*yawn*) “time to go make sure everything’s JUST like it’s supposed to be!” ROFL
Surfing blogs and found yours through Everyday Life…
I used to think my kids plotted against me. I thought they sat up nights after I fell asleep or met on the playground once a week and planned on how to mess over Mama and screw with her head. Now I am wiser. I KNOW they do. How else can you explain rising at 7:00 on weekends but on school days I have to spray them with water to get them out of bed at 8:00? How else can you explain every single food on the face of the earth is LOVED by one and despised by the other? They know making a dinner that is enjoyed by all is impossible. IT is all part of their little devious plan. I feel like when I drop them off at school in the morning they wait until I drive away and laugh their little asses off!