Wake me up when you know something

By Mir
January 11, 2005

I feel like my entire life is in flux.

I’m on the cusp of something important that is just beyond my grasp. I know it’s there and I’m just streeeeeeeeetching towards it and chanting “patience, patience, patience” in my head.

But in the meantime? I gagged a huge and impressive gag while the nurse was swabbing my throat, and she didn’t get a great sample. So the rapid strep test was negative. I was sent away with the cheerful news that they’ll call to let me know if the regular test comes up positive, because “it sure does look like strep!”

On this particular issue, it makes good sense to nap until there’s news. I wish everything else was that way.


  1. panajane

    I thought I had strep throat over the weekend, but I ignored it until it was really painful to swallow and then I sucked on a bunch of lozenges and it went away. So, it wasn’t strep throat.
    I hope you feel better.

  2. jilbur

    I agree—I’ve been seeing something coming at you for some time now; hope you’re ready whe—aiiieeeeee! DUCK!

  3. Jenny

    Hey! Maybe your tonsils are growing back.

  4. Karen

    Do you mean you’re expecting to hear about something you know about, or you just have this vague feeling that something’s about to happen? Either way, good luck!

  5. irene

    I know what you mean about waiting for something. Hopefully the wait won’t be too long.

  6. Ben

    Now I’m stuck on a mental image of Elastigirl, only skinnier and with curly hair (until she uses the super-maxiglide-not_an_FHP-product to straighten it, that is).

    Hang in there, Mir. And don’t mind me and my hallucinations, it’s just the massive amounts of coffee.

    The doctors warned me there could be days like this.

  7. Bakerina

    Oh, dearest! Would you like me to fax you some stew and dumplings? Maybe some panna cotta as a chaser?

  8. Suzanne

    Oh I hate hate hate those throat swabs. Miserable miserable.

    Wishing you an expediently healthy throat. And patience to achieve it. :)

  9. udge

    Skinnier than Elastigirl? Painful!

  10. Shiz

    Nap. MMMMMMM, naps!

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