Cute furry little puppies are also delicious

By Mir
December 23, 2004
Category Woohoo!

So you know how earlier, I confessed to my previous baby-eating penchant, tying it all together (poorly) with the tale of the flower delivery that was not, in fact, for me?

I feel the need to come completely clean with all of you, since my prior admission was so liberating. Puppies make delightful between-meal snacks. With ketchup. If you pinch their necks just so, they hardly ever even get away.

Phew! I feel better, with that off my chest.

Also, the darndest thing happened today. A guy came to the door with a suitcase of money in one hand, and a gorgeous hunk in the other. But it turned out that his delivery was for someone else, at a different house. Oh well.

(Psssst! Do you think my dad and stepmom would fall for such a thing twice? Maybe not, but I still can’t believe they fell for it the first time! Aren’t they they GREATEST? Of course, how could they resist, after their SPLENDID visit here? Casa Mir: come for the vomit, stay for the self-pity!)

The flowers are BEAUTIFUL, and I don’t know which lifted my spirits more: the bouquet itself, the card (which starts out, “This is not a mistake”), or the children running in circles around the table chanting “Yay Grandma! Yay Grandpa!” Thank you so much for everything; we love you!!


  1. beachgal

    How funny you are! And how sweet that you Dad and stepmom sent you flowers! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  2. dad

    For you, sure I’d fall for it twice!

    I was able to find bag-o-money .com but then I began to worry about all the lascivious e-mail I would be getting if I did an online search for “gorgeous hunks”.

    Maybe tomorrow.

  3. Katie

    Aw, how sweet is that?!?! Enjoy your flowers Mir!

  4. Heather

    That is the absolute sweetest thing ever! Also, it answers the question of why you do not have the hunk already—where will you ever find a guy who measures up to your daddy?!

  5. tone

    Awww, dad & step-mom rock! Beautiful flowers. And definitely deserved after the great puke debacle of 2004!

  6. Jenn

    Your dad and stepmom? They rock. Your flowers are bee-yoooo-tiful!

  7. ben


    I wanna be in your family. They just rock.

  8. kayten

    omg! see, that is just the sort of thing that would have me crying my eyes out this year. i keep looking at you as how far along i hope to be in another year but a separation around the holidays has been too much for me.

    you deserve it, and more – merry christmas!

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