Name that domain!

By Mir
October 28, 2004
Category Detritus

I am very seriously kinda sorta maybe almost committing to moving to a real site sometime in the near future. Blogger has pissed me off one too many times. So after that whole thing I’m not thinking about resolves itself sometime next week, I may start taking steps to get off this cheap server and freeload elsewhere. Ha!

The problem is, I very much like my site name. There is really nothing more apropos for my usual state of mind than “Woulda Coulda Shoulda.” But–in case you haven’t noticed–typing that out as part of a domain name is a gigantic pain in the rear. I need a domain name that’s a little easier on the fingertips but retains the spirit of my theme.

So! A contest! Name my new domain! Leave suggestions in the comments. The winner will receive my undying adoration, and maybe some cookies if I ever get around to baking some more. I’m all about incentives, no? So gimme your best shot.


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