Oh, look! Something shiny (and yummy)

By Mir
April 23, 2013

This week seems determined to flatten me and suck out my will to live, and it’s only Tuesday. This does not bode well, I’m thinking.

While I go try to find my mojo (have you seen it? I think I dropped it somewhere yesterday), feel free to head on over to Alpha Mom to read all about how we carnivores found mealtime happiness with the rogue vegetarian in the house. Not gonna lie; it helps that said vegetarian is very cute.


  1. StephLove

    Vegetarian family here. And the kids don’t know it but sometimes I eat clams when we’re at the beach because they could have never looked me in the eye.

  2. RuthWells

    This week can suck it.

    • js

      I agree! This week is killing me. Too much family togetherness.

  3. Little Bird

    Apply some extra bacon to this week. Look up “bacon wrapped” recipes, pick one and indulge.

  4. bryan

    Every week I am reminded of the three most discouraging words in the English language: It’s Only Tuesday.

    • Little Bird

      I did not need to hear/read that. Take that back!

  5. EmmaC

    Definitely read “mojo” as “mayo.” Hey, maybe there’s something to that! Mayo: the cure for many woes.

  6. Brigitte

    Maybe the mojo got put in the fridge by the mayo . .

  7. Chris

    I am hungry for the lentil tacos. Will have to search back for recipe. I think the gluten-free with a vegetarian would put me over the edge but you do adjust (although my kids have still not forgiven me for quinoa)

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