By request

By Mir
August 9, 2012

Portrait of the artist at the computer in the kitchen, completing a unit on Scientific Method while still in his pajamas. Not the first day of school, but still. (Pictured: One foot resting on the drawer where I keep my muffin tins. Not pictured: Me exhorting him for the umpteenth time to take his foot out of the drawer, or does he enjoy delicious banana-foot-funk muffins?)

Yesterday was hard, and you made it less so. Thank you. Today is a little better.


  1. Little Bird

    Yay!!! Bare feet!! Also? After reading about banana foot funk muffins, I’m going to pass on breakfast.
    I do hope today is better than yesterday, and that that continues to be a trend.

  2. birchsprite

    Yay for Happy Feet! May Monkey’s new school year be full of joy, fun and many new things to learn and do.

    Looking forward to the day that Chickadee’s feet come back to join him.

    What a lovely family you have and I hope that the good things start happening for you all again soon.

  3. Jen

    Foot-funk muffins are tasty. Kinda like cinnamon, if cinnamon had feet. Or something like that.
    Every day one step better. Feet are a great start. :)

  4. Diane

    Barefoot in pajamas at the computer? Get that boy a blog!

    Being a boy, Monkey may actually like foot-funk muffins. As an added plus, he wouldn’t have to share!

  5. Sharon


  6. Amy

    I think the being barefoot is bringing a little bit of hippie school to the on-line school :-)

  7. Mandy


    Also, Monkey has man feet.

    My 4 yo Little Monkey is currently sporting a teal “Superhero” pedi (which allows him to shoot stars out of his toes). Unfortunately, the kids at daycare have made fun of him. Sometimes people suck.

    Glad you are a bit better today.

    And banana-foot-funk muffins with some garden zucchini thrown in might be another alternative to waffles for dinner. Just a thought…

  8. Tracy B

    I love it!

  9. Rosie

    Those…are not little boy feet. What happened to the little boy feet?

  10. Liz

    HUGE feet!

  11. Mir

    Yeah, Monkey’s feet are currently the same size as mine. I forbid him to grow any more but he’s clearly closing in on teenagerhood because he’s defying me on that every damn day. Hmph!

  12. Katie in MA

    A tradition continued! Maybe slightly modified, but you gots to go with what works. Love it. :) And a little curious if Monkey thinks we’re alllll crazy for requesting it. Pretty sure Project Tampon Lemonade might have softened the ground a bit there, though. Heh.

  13. Mir

    Katie, actual conversation as I approached him with the camera:
    Him: What are you DOING?
    Me: I’m taking a picture of your feet.
    Him, after a pause: Of course you are. I don’t wanna know.

  14. karen

    LOL.. love the above. Love that kids wit. Seriously.

  15. J from Ireland

    Haha love his response, love that boy!

  16. Julie

    Yahoo!!! Make some funky foot muffins in celebration :) Love the picture, Mir.

  17. Mame

    Those are some truly fine feet. I love that his feet are the same size as yours. My sons and I had the same size feet when they were 12. That way I could borrow their comfy warm water proof boy boots in the winter, a good thing in Buffalo!

  18. Nicole

    yay, and tell monkey I’m not wearing shoes either and I’m at work! I’m all for working barefoot, helps me think ;)

  19. Kelly

    Mmm funky foot muffins.. yeah for Monkey!

  20. Beth R

    I do the same thing with a drawer in my kitchen… it’s a comfortable foot rest, Mom! :)

    Happy feet!

  21. KarenP

    yay for bare feet

  22. Joan Allison

    Glad today is better.

  23. laura

    Yay! Bare feet and pajamas. Now that’s a lifestyle I would totally rock.

  24. charlene

    Boy feet got love them those stinky gangly things. Glad today is better

  25. naniboujou

    That drawer is the perfect footrest. I think you should let Monkey use it and just resign yourself to washing the muffin tins before use. Or just empty that drawer. Whatever. Srsly, life is too short; Monkey will be resting his feet on his own drawers, or some s.o.’s drawers soon enough..

  26. Anna

    Clearly, those are the wrong feet. Too big.

  27. Jeanie

    I probably wouldn’t have thought much of monkey’s foot on the muffin tin drawer one way or the other until you mentioned funk-foot muffins. Then, ewwwwww.

    I’m glad you’re feeling a little better today. I didn’t comment yesterday because sometimes I’m simply at a loss for words. Yesterday was one of those times. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  28. addy

    Yay for bare feet. Bleh for foot-funk muffins! And “Of course you are.” is perfect. Enjoy :)

  29. Genevieve

    “Of course you are. I don’t wanna know.” is my favorite thing today.
    Except for today being a little better day for you. That’s my favorite too.

  30. Rebecca

    HAH. He’s got the art of the snappy comeback down pretty well, I’d say. I hope the school arrangement continues to be awesome for him.

  31. C~

    “Of course you are. I don’t wanna know.” That is pure comic genius, right there.

  32. Cheryl

    I have to agree with “man-feet” – I thought they were Otto’s feet at first. Monkey cannot have feet that big – won’t allow it!!

  33. Rocky Mountain Woman

    Glad today is better, hope tomorrow is better yet…

    Boy feet! Yikes!



  34. Aimee

    I think if you’re going to flavor a muffin with foot-funk, maybe you want to go in more of a savory direction? Maybe mix it with some stinky cheese and herbs? Just a suggestion.

    I love the picture.

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