It’s all in my lungs head

By Mir
September 27, 2011

It’s Tuesday, so that means I’m over at Off Our Chests, and today I’m thinking about the legacy of my childhood asthma, even though it turns out that—from a medical standpoint, anyway—I’m barely affected by it anymore.

I’m not quite crazy enough to take up running, or anything, but I definitely need to get over this feeling that my body is the enemy. (Or that I’m just a little crazy. Because… I mean, yes, OBVIOUSLY. But you know.)

Come on over and share, if you’re so inclined.


  1. hollygee

    Oh, sweets. That feeling is JUST BEGINNING! Aging is its own journey with a very strange love/hate relationship with your body, inner and outer. (Yes, I realize that you still have twenty years before you really experience it, but it’s out there waiting).

  2. Katie in MA

    You know, my asthma actually *improved* once I started running. Of course, when I’m in the middle of an attack (like NOW, grumble), I can’t go run. But otherwise it helps keep everything better conditioned, I think. Either that or I’m just crazy.

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